The main premises of a Montessori education at the Children’s Center of Monrovia:

• Children are to be respected as different from adults and as individuals who differ from each other. 

• The child possesses an unusual sensitivity and intellectual ability to absorb and learn from his/her environment that are unlike those of the adult both in quality and capacity. 

• The most important years of a child's growth are the first six years of life when unconscious learning is gradually brought to the conscious level. The child has a deep love and need for purposeful work. He/she works, however, not as an adult for completion of a job, but the sake of an activity itself. It is this activity which enables him/her to accomplish his most important goal: the development of himself/herself - his/her mental, physical, and psychological powers.

                 Montessori activities promote:

  • The development of social skills

  • Emotional growth

  • Physical coordination

  • Cognitive preparation for future intellectual academic endeavors

Our curriculum, under the direction of a specifically prepared teacher allows the child to experience:

  • The joy of learning

  • The time to enjoy the process

  • And the development of self-esteem

Montessori Curriculum at CCM Includes:

  • Practical Life Exercises

  • Sensorial Materials that stimulate the five senses.

  • Language curriculum, Reading and Writing.

  • Mathematics (includes geometry and arithmetic).

  • Art projects, Science, Botany, History and Music.

  • Geographical study and science.

  • Spanish as a second language

  • Learning though play.